
Friday 21 September 2012

忌廉蘑菇荡 Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup

make roux first
- flour ( 600gm ) oil ( 600ml ) heat up the oil in a pot , wait till hot then lower the heat , slowly pour your flour into the pot , stir even till your roux thicken up ( low low heat ) when its starting to boil thats means your roux is ready ( this is the cheap method ) if you dont want can use double cream in packet ( but expensive )

one time i cook im using a 20QT stock pot - this is the ingredients
- ing1) fresh shitake mushroom ( 400gm ) blunch & cut small dice
- ing2) onion ( 600gm ) celery ( 300gm ) both cut small dice , crushed black pepper ( 2tsp )
- ing3) campbell's mushroom soup ( 325gm 3can )( optional cause if ur shitake mushroom is good & fragrant , then can skip this item ) ideal milk ( 3can ) thymes ( 2tsp ) bayleaves ( 1tsp ) salt , aji ( each5tsp ) chicken stock ( 8tsp )
- ing4) roux ( 8tbsp )

- cooking method
- step1) boiling the water for your soup first ( 3/4 of the stock pot 20QT )
- step2) use a pan to saute onion , celery first till fragrant , then add black pepper & keep saute ( normally this soup kids favourite some kids now dont like this vege so after u saute can blender it till become delicate ) & if u okay with the vege , just add ur shitake mushroom to saute together till dry dry a bit & put aside
- step3) whn ur water for ur soup is boiling then just add what u saute in step2) into the water & add also all ing3 ) to cook together & wait till boiling again before u lower t heat ( minimum 45min )
- step4) while waiting for u soup ready , take the roux to put in container to mix wit water ( water level till you can stir the roux till delicate ( just like a double creamer ) taste the soup after 45min , if the taste is okay then add the roux slowly & stir even ( 15 min ) & ur soup will be thicken up just like cream :) happy cooking

混合600gm 麵粉與 600ml 油成為麵糊 ,鍋子下油待熱後關小火 ,慢慢倒入混合油麵粉 ,小火攪拌均勻( 這是較為廉價的方式 ,如果不想麻煩 ,可以選用盒裝忌廉 ,但價格較為昂貴。)

材料 :
1) 鮮蘑菇 - ( 400gm ) 切碎
2) 洋蔥 - ( 600gm ) 芹菜( 300gm )切碎 / 黑胡椒碎( 2茶匙 )
3) Campbell 罐頭蘑菇湯 ( 325gm/3罐 )( 如果你選用上好及香濃的蘑菇 ,可選擇不加入。)Ideal 淡奶 ( 3罐 ) 百里香 ( 2茶匙 ) 月桂葉 ( 1茶匙 ) 鹽 、味精 ( 5茶匙 ) 雞粉 ( 8茶匙 )
4.麵糊 ( 8湯匙 )

步驟2:用平底鍋爆香洋蔥和芹菜後加入黑胡椒持續炒香( 一般上小朋友不愛吃芹菜 ,炒香後再用攪拌器打至細膩以去除芹菜強烈的味道 ,但如果可以接受芹菜的味道 , 炒香後直接加入蘑菇繼續炒香直到收汁後放一旁待用。
步驟4:等待煮湯的過程中,把麵糊放進容器加水混合 ( 邊混合邊加水 ,直到麵糊變得油滑如雙層奶油。)45分鐘後試一試湯的味道 ,夠味就慢慢加入奶油慢慢攪拌均勻15分鐘 ,湯就會變得濃稠如奶油了 !


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